看郭台銘富士康學英文:sweatshop、Sweat factory、iSlave、Foxconn
我上油管找關於郭台銘富士康血汗工廠的新聞,其中七年前新聞談到富士康已十八跳,還有富士康每周工時60小時、每小時工資2美金,美國則是每周41小時、每小時工資23美金,富士康到今年還是每小時工資2美金,根本沒漲,這樣的郭台銘還有臉在台灣大吹要給年輕人加薪?你自己的企業先加薪吧! 這個新聞是美國ABC News,講的不快咬字也清楚,不必聽力太好大概也可以聽得懂,sweatshop、Sweat factory的中文是血汗工廠,最後再來介紹一個單字iSlave,Slave是奴隸的意思,我不曉得iSlave有沒有進入Merriam-Webster韋氏字典,若有,也是郭台銘的「台灣之光」了。 Blackjack 2019/5/31 Foxconn: An Exclusive Inside Look ABC News 發佈日期:2012年2月21日 Bill Weir takes an in-depth look into the factory that makes Apple products. ********* Bill Schilz 發佈日期:2012年2月12日 While enthralled with the vast array of very cool electronic gadgets coming out of Apple, how many of us ever stop to think how these products are made? With Apple being the darling of corporations in the U.S., I think we may all ASSUME that it is a leader and they are on the forefront of labor rights and employment oversight to ensure workers are treated MORE than fairly. This expose seems to indicate differently... I can only imagine the demands made of Foxconn by Steve Jobs to meet production ...