美國對台灣的目的是台灣軍?從徐巧芯說AIT問學生願不願當兵、男女是否都應該服義務役談起 United States Taiwan's President deploy Taiwanese Marines



”在四月底,美國保守派大將,前參議院外交委員會共和黨籍幕僚長崔普勒(William C. Triplett)曾撰文,希望布希總統致電陳水扁,讓台灣訓練有素、戰力堅強的海軍陸戰隊,能派駐伊拉克,與美國並肩作戰。

  事隔將近一個月,美國眾議院「台灣連線」成員羅拉巴克(Dana Rohrabacher)以及萊恩(Jim Ryun),延續崔普勒的主張,共同提案,希望台灣能派兵伊拉克。本案提案編號為437,已經送交眾議院國際關係委員會審議。"


我們再看一份報告Taiwan: Major U.S. Arms Sales Since 1990 ,裡面就有這段H.Con.Res. 437 (on asking Taiwan to deploy its Marines to Iraq),可見:




最後請大家看美國的台灣連線議員的提案H.Con.Res.437 - Expressing the sense of the Congress that the President of the United States should request Taiwan's President Chen Shui-bian to deploy Taiwanese Marines to Iraq to join international Coalition forces in the global war on terrorism.,由於台灣最早對美國九一一表示哀悼,讓美國眾議員感動到認為台灣人想要出兵幫美國!而美國要把台灣人訓練成有用的戰力,或許目標不只是希望台灣成為東亞烏克蘭,更是期待與台灣人「並肩作戰」呢!


Blackjack 2022/12/27

美國到底多在乎? 徐巧芯驚爆:AIT必問參訪學生2問題

12:002022/12/27 中時新聞網 黃朝郁






#徐巧芯 #兵役 #兵源 #AIT #兩岸

H.Con.Res.437 - Expressing the sense of the Congress that the President of the United States should request Taiwan's President Chen Shui-bian to deploy Taiwanese Marines to Iraq to join international Coalition forces in the global war on terrorism.

108th Congress (2003-2004)

[Congressional Bills 108th Congress]

[From the U.S. Government Printing Office]

[H. Con. Res. 437 Introduced in House (IH)]


2d Session

H. CON. RES. 437

Expressing the sense of the Congress that the President of the United

States should request Taiwan's President Chen Shui-bian to deploy

Taiwanese Marines to Iraq to join international Coalition forces in the

global war on terrorism.



May 20, 2004

Mr. Rohrabacher (for himself and Mr. Ryun of Kansas) submitted the

following concurrent resolution; which was referred to the Committee on

International Relations



Expressing the sense of the Congress that the President of the United

States should request Taiwan's President Chen Shui-bian to deploy

Taiwanese Marines to Iraq to join international Coalition forces in the

global war on terrorism.

Whereas on September 20, 2001, in a joint session of Congress, the President

announced the start of the war on terrorism;

Whereas on March 19, 2003, the President ordered United States Armed Forces and

Coalition forces to attack Iraq;

Whereas the valiant and dedicated members of the United States Armed Forces

consistently perform in an exceptionally professional manner befitting

an all-volunteer military force;

Whereas as a fellow democracy, Taiwan shares the United States' passion for

promoting freedom, democracy, and human rights around the world;

Whereas the Government of Taiwan is currently studying the feasibility of

sending up to 5,000 Taiwanese Marines to Iraq to fight alongside United

States and Coalition forces;

Whereas Taiwan has made distinct and important contributions to the United

States and the rest of the world in the war on terrorism, as evidenced

most recently during the war in Afghanistan;

Whereas Taiwan was one of the first countries that expressed condolences and

offered assistance to the United States after the September 11, 2001,

attacks upon the United States;

Whereas the United States is requesting other countries to send ground forces to

Iraq and members of the United States Armed Forces are having their

deployment to Iraq extended;

Whereas Taiwan could deploy relatively quickly a number of its 35,000 Marines to


Whereas 35,000 Taiwanese Marines is equivalent to the strength of some divisions

of the United States Armed Forces or three divisions of Coalition


Whereas the Taiwanese Marines have a deserved reputation throughout the Far East

for their high level of training and motivation;

Whereas having Taiwanese Marines in Iraq could reduce the need for involuntary

retention of members of the United States Armed Forces and would create

positive effects throughout the United States military; and

Whereas it is vital to have a policy of inclusion of the entire world community

in the global war on terrorism: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring),

That it is the sense of Congress that--

(1) the President of the United States should request

Taiwan's President Chen Shui-bian to deploy Taiwanese Marines

to Iraq to join international Coalition forces in the global

war on terrorism; and

(2) if Taiwan decides to deploy its armed forces to Iraq,

the United States should facilitate such deployment by all

appropriate means.




